

Event Information

Mechanical Engineering Seminar: Bruce Kramer
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
11:00 a.m.
Kay Boardrooms, KEB 1107/1111, Kim Engineering Building
For More Information:
Robert Herschbach
301 405 2057

A Path Forward for AI in Manufacturing
A recent symposium under the joint auspices of the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittees on Advanced Manufacturing and Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence has produced the outline of a strategy for achieving resilient manufacturing ecosystems through artificial intelligence. The strategy emphasizes the need to harvest network effects by gathering, classifying, and aggregating manufacturing data at national scale. That model has transformed many industries in which the United States now leads the world but runs counter to the prevailing manufacturing culture, which emphasizes implementing proprietary solutions on the factory floor and keeping information close. That orientation exaggerates the importance of explicit domain knowledge and ignores the potential of AI methods to extract the implicit manufacturing expertise incorporated in the billions of parts that manufacturers are producing and have previously produced.
  It also provides AI entrepreneurs with an opportunity to adapt transformational business models successfully applied in other industries to the $2 trillion per year US manufacturing sector. The talk will illustrate how an AI-driven manufacturing service infrastructure might operate.

Bruce Kramer is a Senior Advisor at the National Science Foundation (NSF), coordinating NSF’s participation in the National Advanced Manufacturing Program. Dr. Kramer previously directed NSF’s Divisions of Design, Manufacture and Industrial Innovation and Engineering Education and Centers. He co-founded Zoom Telephonics of Boston, a producer of communications products marketed under the Zoom and Motorola brands that was acquired by and renamed as Minim in 2021. Dr. Kramer holds three U.S. patents and is a Fellow of the SME and an International Fellow of the University of Tokyo.


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