

Event Information

Mtech Ventures Free, Open Innovation Office Hours in Person
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
4467 Technology Drive (Herbert Rabin Tech Advancement Bldg)
For More Information:

Innovation Office Hours

Get answers now, in-person, from experienced entrepreneurs and legal/ business professionals on how to build a successful startup company at Mtech’s Innovation Office Hours. Receive free and impartial advice, brainstorm business strategies, investigate funding opportunities, and learn about the vast resources available to entrepreneurs.

Learn how to:

  • identify sources to help fund your business

  • brainstorm business strategies

  • identify ways to grow your technology business

  • build and finance a startup company

  • tap into other entrepreneurial resources

In addition, learn how Mtech Ventures can help you grow your business!

Mtech Ventures hosts Innovation Office Hours on the second Tuesday of every month. We will hold the next office hours:

Tuesday, July 11
10 a.m.-noon
Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
4467 Technology Drive
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Register here.


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